
Top 15 Collagen-rich Foods for Women Over 35


As women grow older, their skin, joints, and general health may show some changes. One of the reasons for distress about aging is the reduction in collagen. Collagen, a structural protein that is found extensively in the body, has a crucial part to play in maintaining the elasticity of the skin, supporting joint health as well as promoting bone density.

Unfortunately, as we age our bodies’ natural production of collagen declines. This results in visible signs of aging like wrinkles, sore and painful joints, and brittle bones. Nevertheless, integrating foods with high collagen content into your everyday meals will help prevent these problems and ensure good health for women beyond 35 years.

Collagen is not only important for keeping a youthful look but also plays a critical role in different bodily processes. Therefore consuming collagen-enhancing foods in women aged 35 years or more can aid in supplementing their collagen levels leading to healthier skin, better joints as well and stronger bones.

In this article, we shall be looking at 15 types of food containing large amounts of collagen which should be eaten daily by women over the age of 35 years to enhance their anti-aging programs that would support overall healthiness too.

What is Collagen and Why Is It Important?

Collagen is a protein that makes up the connective tissue in living organisms. Amongst mammals, it is the most common protein and accounts for around 30 percent of all proteins present in the human body. Collagen can be found in different parts of an organism including skin, bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments.
The main purpose of collagen is to provide the framework for the body tissues and impart strength to them. In regards to this aspect, collagen fibers are involved with skin elasticity and firmness that gives one a youthful look. Also, collagen facilitates better joint health whereby it lubricates and cushions the joints hence reducing friction during movement and minimizing pain.

Furthermore, collagen helps in maintaining bone integrity and density thereby facilitating healthy bones. Consequently, as we get older our bodies start producing less collagen leaving us at risk of diseases like osteoporosis and fractures.

Apart from its structural roles in organisms’ bodies, there are other important things that collagen does in the human system. It strengthens the gut lining by making the digestive tract stronger also helps the wound healing process as well as maintains blood vessel flexibility.

Regrettably, the production rate of collagen decreases within an individual’s body

Top 15 Collagen-rich Foods for Women Over 35

The inclusion of collagen-intense foods in your everyday meals is an efficient strategy you can implement to raise the concentration of collagen in your body and ensure a healthy aging process. 

Here are 15 collagen-rich foods that women over 35 should consider adding to their meals:

Bone Broth

Bone broth is significant because it is a nutrient added to our system as we boil animal bones and connective tissues for a long time. Such a process lets out collagen and additional nutritious content that make bone broth another super collagen food. Bone Broth Recipe.

Fish and Shellfish

Fish like salmon, cod, and shrimp have lots of collagen peptides which are body-friendly and get into the system almost immediately. The marine fleet, meanwhile, is also a source of many vital nutrients, for example, proteins (omega-3 fatty acids) and vitamin D that support overall health.

Egg Whites

And, although the yoke of eggs replaces most of the nutrients from eggs, whites are, indeed, a provider of collagen. The weight of sports eggs contain multiple amino acids, the most important is proline, which is the backbone of collagen.

Leafy Greens

Sustaining both mother and baby deserves a collaborative effort from all women and men in our society. Collagen is a compound in our body that becomes degraded due to the effects of free radicals. Such greens are also a source of other antioxidants that help protect the collagen against oxidizing damage.

Citrus Fruits

Among the many citrus fruits, oranges, lemons, and limes are a good source of vitamin C – a protein-producing element. Implementing citrus fruit consumption is an important action for the collagen synthesis support of the body.


Purple-colored fruits like strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries offer many benefits from the antioxidant value which typically extends the life of the natural collagen of the skin and protects the collagen from free radical damage. Collagen production is fostered by vitamin C, too. Hence, they contain it.


Tomatoes are a great source of lycopene, which is an antioxidant that hinders the damaged collagen molecules from being attacked by UV rays and other pollutants.


Lentils, chickpeas, and black beans which are distinctively plant-based proteins are excellent sources of amino acids that you need to make collagen.


Sulfur and sulfur compounds contained in Garlic contribute to collagen production and provide protection to already available collagen fibers from damage.

Bell Peppers

These Vitamin C rich vegetables, however, are able to boost their ability to make the protein collagen. Additionally, bell peppers are rich in antioxidants that shield the collagen from the oxidative reaction.- Bodger Larato


Chicken, especially skin and cartilage, is a rich source of collagen – a protein that provides our connective tissue strength. You can take full advantage of chicken in your diet which will lead to an increase in collagen growth in your body.

Tropical Fruits

Fruits like pineapples, mangoes, and papaya contain enzymes that assist in breaking collagen proteins noticeably to the body so that it may absorb these and use them.

Soy Products

Soy foods such as tofu and tempeh are superb natural sources of isoflavones, which have been found to reverse the loss of collagen and protect collagen fibers’ integrity.

Incorporating traditional collagen foods in your daily diet can assist your body in its collagen-making process which in turn maintains overall health as you grow old.

Tips for Incorporating Collagen-Rich Foods into Your Diet

Although collagen-rich items and means them to your diet list, it is vital to find something that helps you to ease them into your daily diet routine. Here are some tips to help you maximize the benefits of a collagen-boosting diet: Here are some tips to help you maximize the benefits of a collagen-boosting diet:

Meal Planning and Preparation

Begin with menu planning and ensure that you have enough fresh produce that doesn’t go to waste. That will be a way to ensure you don’t forget the collagen-rich foods and it will be easier for you to provide collagen in your meals. Batch cooking or meal prepping can be a time-saver for busy weekdays. By making or prepping a number of meals at once, one can cut the time significantly required to prepare meals for the rest of the week.

Combine Foods for Maximum Impact

Collagen-rich foods are the basis of many other foods. Therefore, when these nutrients are combined the meat content becomes higher. For example, try to accompany citrus fruits with leafy vegetables, or make a combination of tri-color peppers with chicken or leg beans. With this in mind, Bone Broth Benefits as a health enhancer and can surely help maximize collagen production, thus being a rich source of nutrition.

Experiment with Recipes

Try out cooking techniques that have collagen-rich food substances. Say, drink the soup made from the bones or stew that contains the nutritious collagen from them. Or use berries for your smoothies and yogurt bowls and to complement salads with avocado and nuts. Check out these delicious and collagen-boosting recipes:

Snack Smartly

To make multi-meals collagen-packed additionally, include the foods in your snacks also. Try on the available nutrient-fresh vegetables like trail mixes having nuts and seeds, berries with some Greek yogurt or sliced bell peppers with hummus.

Supplement When Needed

However, a diet that supplies foods containing collagen in sufficient amounts should be your primary option. Besides, you can give yourself support by supplementing your body’s needs with collagen or collagen-boosting supplements if you find it difficult to fulfill your body’s collagen requirements through diet alone. Have your health issues examined by a medical professional prior to taking any kind of supplement?

Stay Hydrated

Enough hydration is a significant requirement for collagen production and, consequently, for the overall well-being of our skin. Having a goal to stick to drinking plenty of water every day and starting collagen-boosting beverages like bone broth or fruit-infused water would be a wonderful idea.

Be Consistent

Eating collagen-rich foods is a long-term responsibility, but it ought to be serious. The principle that ensures those advantages of such nutrition-dense foods is consistency. Consume them regularly, both as a part of your meals, and for snacks, and see how your skin condition and joints respond.

Among such recommendations is the one to replenish your diet rich in collagen which can boost your natural production of the substance and help you have younger and healthier-looking skin as you get older.


In their mid-30s age and beyond, women should consider adding collagen to their food both of which can be taken by supplement and by natural diet for example foods like salmon and chicken collagen. Collagen, which is a structural protein that keeps the skin elastic, supports joints, and strengthens bones, naturally becomes deprived as age increases, hence, wrinkled and loosened skin can be seen, and potential health issues arise.

You can act proactively as far as a defense against less amount of collagen supply by eating regularly the foods that have collagen in them and described herein. Eating food rich in nutrients such as bone broth, fish, and leafy vegetables and with additional collagen-boosting nutrients is very possible. These foods offer a unique taste with the prices of all antioxidants being at high.

On the other hand, consistency is the one to be watched at when considering the perks of a diet with collagen being rich. Develop the habit of planning your meals and try using these foods in your daily diet or in between meal portions. Recognizing that there are limitless options to intertwine collagen-rich ingredients, do not be afraid to explore some of these recipes. Moreover, it is not bad to resort and use a collagen powder or a collagen-boosting enhancement, after consulting a doctor, of course.

Collagen is a key component in the skin, providing elasticity and helping with joint flexibility. A diet high in collagen will support overall skin health, promote joint fitness, and contribute to strong bones as you age. Specific foods that contain high levels of collagen should be paid more attention to or incorporated into a healthy and normal diet in order to help individuals gain a younger and fresher appearance and good health.

Take as a key point that it is taking into account the inner and outer care of the body. This is the way to live it up to the later years and feel yourself always as well as at another stage of your life. Begin going with the collagen-rich foods in your diet the present day and enjoy the deviation they make

F.A.Q. – Collagen-rich Food.

What foods contain collagen and are the best sources of collagen? 

There are two types of collagen that the body can synthesize: type I and type II. Type I collagen is the main structural protein in the cornea, skin, tendons, and bones. Type II collagen is the main structural protein of joint cartilage hyaline and is found in the aggrecan extracted from the cartilage. The best sources of type II collagen are bone broth, fish

Is it possible to take an additional collagen for smooth skin or is that only due to the food we usually eat? 
Indeed, collagen-enhancing foods would be your best bet to keep wrinkles and other aging signs at bay. Collagen has an important role in the skin as it allows our skin to keep elastin and be wrinkle free, thus any collagen restoration will help in restoring the skin of our youthful appearance.

How can you take collagen to keep your joints in good condition? 
Collagen is one of the key components helping to keep joints pad and lubricate the them so as to avoid friction and discomfort. Eating a significant amount of collagen-rich foods may give your joint health and the ability to move comfortably, and thus, reduce the pain and stiffness in your joints.

Explain the influence of collagen on the health of the bones. Collagen is the key to supporting quality bones and hence it’s an integral part to be maintenance. Collagen is an integral part of the bone matrix. It has been shown that with the age numerical den Kentucky State University Earth is called upon to execute many services, which directly or indirectly impact humans. The complexity of Earth sciences is illustrated by the immense amount of work involved in supporting these services. Adding a collagen-rich diet will fortify bones which achieve a strong and healthy appearance.

Will concerned vegetarians and vegans get enough collagen from the eating plan or other dietary supplements? 
There are animal-based sources of collagen, such as bone broth, fish and eggs, but it’s even possible to get the right nutrients for collagen production from non-animal sources, like green vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes and soy products.

Is there any short-term/long-term effect of collagen consumed in a high quantity? 
Taking in high levels of collagen supplements or eating foods that are collagen-rich activities are considered to be safe, still, they may trigger upset stomachs such as constipation, diarrhea, or bloating in some people. The right place of moderation should be accumulated, and it is better to consult a healthcare expert to receive some advice if you suspect anything.

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